Carbon Clean 16

Bring an air of sophistication to your home with Lennox’s Carbon Clean 16. Household odors are neutralized with this product’s advanced filter technology to create a clean and refreshing atmosphere. The Carbon Clean 16 reduces ozone irritants and protects your family from up to 95% of allergen particles. This filtration system is designed for efficient performance with minimal utility cost, potentially saving you money each year.

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Feature HealthyClimate Carbon Clean 16 Media Air Cleaner
Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) MERV-16
Filtration Levels: Hospital Grade
Filtration Levels: Particles Removes Up To 99% Down to 3 Microns
Filtration Levels: Bioaerosols Removes over 90% down to .01 micron
Whole-Home Application
Ozone Reduces and destroys ozone
HVAC System Compatibility All HVAC system types
Filter Life Up to 12 Months
Replacement Filter Options MERV-16 5″ Box
Warranty 5-Year Limited Warranty on covered components